On our way back from Maui we had 11 hours in LA, we rented a Ford Mustang Concertible ( at the cost of USD 181,-) and cruised around. First we went down to Seal Beach where we had breakfast at an Irish pub on Main street. Then we walked around, took some pictures and ended up at Harbour Surfboards wich is probably the worlds oldest surfshop and surfbrand, it was established in 1959 and was celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. After a couple of hours in Seal Beach we went down to Huntington Beach (aka. Surf city) to check out Jakes's Surfboards and Huntington Surf & Sport, they are probably two of the worlds biggest surfshops.
After this we cruised up Pacific Highway all the way from Huntington to Venice Beach with the cab down and the wind blowing in our hair. When we had checked out Venice Beach for a while we had to head back to LAX to get on our flight back to Europe. The flight went realy smooth for me, I guess I slept for about 8 hours of the flight, and after a short stop in Frankfurth we landed in Oslo shortly before 4 o'clock where the temperature was about 0 celsius, it seemed absolutly unreal that less than a day ago we where cruising around in LA and that it was less than two days ago that I was sailing at Hookipa.