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Monday, July 20, 2009

Finaly some wind in July

It's been a loooooong time since we had any good conditions at Larkollen, but to day we got lucky and had a great a time. Some of my friends was out on the water about 2 o'clock sailing 4,7m2 to 5,3m2.
When I arrived about 4 o'clock I rigged my 5,0m2, took my 84 liters waveboard and had almost two hours of great sailing in my shorty. As predicted the wind dropped around 6 o'clock but it dropped a lot quicker than we expected, so many of the guys ended up swimming back to the beach. When Jørgen got back on the beach as the last guy after a looooong swim, your could sort your stampcollection on the beach.

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