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Sunday, May 10, 2009

What a kickoff

Finaly the seasson was kicked off with two great days at Larkollen, I had at soft start last saturday but the wind was so light that it hardly could count as a good surfsession. This weekend how ever delivered the goods, and plenty off it. Some off my friends even managed to get a deasent session on thursday while I was stuck at work. But with two days of 4,4m2 sailing I got plenty off quality sailing during friday afternoon and entire saturday. We got some good onshore waves on friday and was very pleased with that. On saturday the win was more or less the same but the was where missing until the wind increased in the afternoon. I rigged my 3,7m2 and we had two great hours in the afternoon with some great conditions, the waves was great for Larkollen and those of us who was out enjoying them had a blast, jumping and "riding" until our arms couldn't take any more. Many thanks to Greg who took time off the water to shoot some pictures off us from the beach.

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